Wings. 22–25. Chlorocryptus purpuratus; 26 & 27. C. coreanus. 22. ♂, Isoshima, Japan; 23. ♀, Chinkiang, Jiangsu, China; 24. ♀, Klapa Bali, Malaysia; 25. ♀, Gunung Lompobattang, South Sulawesi, Indonesia; 26. ♀, Keumsan, South Korea; 27. ♀, Chulin, Taiwan, China. Scale line, 5 mm.

  Part of: Yoshida T, Matsumoto R (2015) A revision of the genus Chlorocryptus Cameron (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), with the first record of the genus from Japan. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 62(1): 81-99.