Key characters of the Oxylipeurus-complex. 31. Outline of stylus in Gallancyra dentata (Sugimoto, 1934), redrawn from Gustafsson and Zou (2020a); 32. Outline of preantennal area and dorsal pre-antennal suture of Splendoroffula ampullacea Kéler, 1955, redrawn from von Kéler (1958); 33. Outline of head and dorsal post-antennal suture of Oxylipeurus inaequalis (Piaget, 1880), redrawn from Mey (1990); original drawing asymmetrical; 34. Male genitalia of Oxylipeurus inaequalis (Piaget, 1880), redrawn from Mey (1990); some details left out for clarity; 35. ventral view of mesosome of Megalipeurus sinensis Gustafsson et al., 2020a, redrawn from original description; 36. dorsal view of male terminalia of Eiconolipeurus melanotis Carriker, 1945, redrawn from original description; setae not illustrated; 37. Male subgenital plate and stylus of Pelecolipeurus fujianensis sp. nov., redrawn from Fig. 7 and simplified somewhat for clarity; 38. Male genitalia of Pelecolipeurus fujianensis sp. nov., redrawn from Fig. 5 and simplified somewhat for clarity; 39. Female terminalia and vulval margin of Reticulipeurus (Forcipurellus) formosanus (Uchida, 1917), redrawn from Gustafsson and Zou (2023); chaetotaxy and other detail omitted for clarity; 40. Male subgenital plate of Reticulipeurus (Forcipurellus) formosanus (Uchida, 1917), redrawn from Gustafsson and Zou (2023); 41. Female terminalia and vulval margin of Reticulipeurus (Reticulipeurus) reevesi (Clay, 1938), redrawn from Gustafsson et al. (2020a); chaetotaxy and other detail omitted for clarity; 42. Male subgenital plate of Reticulipeurus (Reticulipeurus) mesopelios (Nitzsch [in Giebel], 1866), redrawn from Gustafsson et al. (2020a); 43. Outline of male paramere of Sinolipeurus tetraophasis (Clay, 1938), redrawn and simplified from Gustafsson et al. (2020a); 44. Outline of male terminalia and stylus of Sinolipeurus tetraophasis (Clay, 1938), redrawn and simplified from Gustafsson et al. (2020a); 45. Outline of male paramere of Reticulipeurus (Reticulipeurus) ithaginis (Clay, 1938), redrawn and simplified from Gustafsson et al. (2020a). Figures 31–36 reproduced from Gustafsson et al. (2020b), with kind permission of the European Journal of Taxonomy. Abbreviations used: AL = anterior lobes; BA = basal apodeme; CL = “claspers”; DPAS = dorsal post-antennal suture; DPS = dorsal pre-antennal suture; ES = epistomal suture; HM = hyaline margin; MES = mesosome; SGP = subgenital plate; STY = stylus; VM = vulval margin; Y = Y-shaped thickening. Figures not to scale.