A. Photography of ‡Amphientomum knorrei sp. nov., posterior view of hindcoxae, arrows indicate the interlocking mechanism; B. 3D-reconstruction of ‡Amphientomum knorrei sp. nov., posterior view of hindcoxae. Abbreviations: co = coxa, fe = femur, hce = hindcoxal emargination, hcp = hindcoxal projection, tr = trochanter.

  Part of: Boudinot BE, Bock BL, Weingardt M, Tröger D, Batelka J, LI D, Richter A, Pohl H, Moosdorf OTD, Jandausch K, Hammel JU, Beutel RG (2024) Et latet et lucet: Discoveries from the Phyletisches Museum amber and copal collection in Jena, Germany. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 71(1): 111-176. https://doi.org/10.3897/dez.71.112433