Male genital segments of Nevrorthus spp. a Nevrorthus fallax (Rambur), ventral b Nevrorthus iridipennis Costa, ventral c Nevrorthus apatelios H. Aspöck, U. Aspöck & Hölzel, ventral d–e Nevrorthus hannibal U. Aspöck & H. Aspöck, male holotype: d lateral e ventral f–g Nevrorthus fallax (Rambur), female: f gonocoxites 8 and gonapophyses 8, ventral g lateral h–i Nevrorthus hannibal U. Aspöck & H. Aspöck, female: h gonocoxites 8 and gonapophyses 8, ventral i lateral. Abbreviations. e – ectoproct; g – ring of glands; gp – gonapophysis; gs – gonostylus; gx – gonocoxite; p – pleuritocava; S – sternite; T – tergite. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.