Guimaraesiella lais (Giebel, 1874) ex Luscinia megarhynchos (Brehm, 1831) 85 Male head, dorsal and ventral views 86 Male genitalia, dorsal view 87 Male mesosome, ventral view 88 Male paramere, dorsal view 89 Female subgenital plate and vulval margin, ventral view.

  Part of: Gustafsson DR, Oslejskova L, Najer T, Sychra O, Zou F (2019) Redescriptions of thirteen species of chewing lice in the Brueelia-complex (Phthiraptera, Ischnocera, Philopteridae), with one new synonymy and a neotype designation for Nirmus lais Giebel, 1874. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 66(1): 17-39.