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Abrachyglossum capitatum (Loew, 1847)
Australoconops perbellus (Kröber, 1939)
Australoconops pseudocellifer (Kröber, 1939)
Australoconops unicinctus (Kröber, 1939)
Brachyceraea brevicornis (Loew, 1847)
Conops acuticornis Loew, 1847
Conops atrimanus Kröber, 1939
Conops bipunctatus Loew, 1852
Conops braunsii Kröber, 1915
Conops camaronensis Kröber, 1939
Conops ferruginosus Kröber 1915
Conops frontosus Kröber, 1916
Conops indicus Kröber, 1916
Conops insignis Loew, 1848
Conops laetus Becker, 1922
Conops maculiventris Kröber, 1916
Conops minor Becker, 1922
Conops nigrofasciatus Kröber, 1916
Conops punctifrons Kröber, 1916
Conops rugifrons Karsch, 1888
Conops sareptanus Becker, 1922
Conops stylatus Kröber, 1915
Conops vitellinus Loew, 1847
Dalmannia confusa Becker, 1922
Deleskampomyia fasciata Kröber, 1940
Leopoldius valvatus (Kröber, 1914)
Myopa argentata Stuke, 2005
Myopa clausseni Stuke & Clements, 2008
Myopa hirsuta Stuke & Clements, 2008
Myopa maetai Stuke, 2003
Myopa nigrifacies Becker, 1922
Myopa strandi Duda, 1940
Myopotta horrida (Becker, 1922)
Physocephala assamensis Kröber, 1915
Physocephala aterrima Kröber, 1915
Physocephala aureopygia Kröber, 1915
Physocephala bicolor Kröber, 1915
Physocephala bimarginipennis Karsch, 1887
Physocephala castanoptera (Loew, 1853)
Physocephala curticornis Kröber, 1915
Physocephala fraterna (Loew, 1847)
Physocephala furax Becker, 1913
Physocephala maculigera Kröber, 1915
Physocephala persica Becker, 1913
Physocephala rubicunda Kröber, 1915
Physocephala rufithorax Kröber, 1915
Physocephala schmideggeri Stuke, 2017
Physocephala sumatrensis Kröber, 1915
Physocephala truncata (Loew, 1847)
Physocephala unicolor Kröber, 1915
Physocephala vespiformis Kröber, 1915
Physoconops (Pachyconops) gracilior (Kröber, 1915)
Physoconops longistylus (Kröber, 1915)
Physoconops perbellum Kröber, 1939
Physoconops striatifrons (Kröber, 1915)
Physoconops varipes (Kröber, 1915)
Pleurocerina nigrifacies (Kröber, 1940)
Pleurocerinella bartaki Stuke, 2009
Pseudophysocephala caenoneura Kröber, 1939
Pseudophysocephala constricta (Kröber, 1915)
Pseudophysocephala fenestralis Kröber, 1939
Pseudophysocephala nitida (Kröber, 1915)
Pseudophysocephala stylata Kröber, 1939
Sicus alpinus Stuke, 2002
Sicus nigricans Kröber, 1939
Siniconops curtirostris (Kröber, 1916)
Siniconops nigripes (Kröber, 1913)
Zodion asiaticum Becker, 1922
Zodion caesium Becker, 1908
Zodion grisescens Kröber, 1939
Zodion hauseri Stuke, 2014
Zodion malayensis Stuke, 2004
Zodion pulchrum Loew, 1868
Specimens in ZMHB not justifiably assigned as type material
Conops rufifrons Doleschall, 1857
Conops satanicus Bigot, 1887
Myopa fasciata Meigen, 1804
Physocephala amoena – invalid collection name
Physocephala annulata Kröber, 1913
Physoconops excisus (Wiedemann, 1830)
Pseudophysocephala platycephala (Loew, 1853)
Zodion pictum Schiner, 1868
Type material lost from the ZMHB
Physoconops fenestratus (Kröber 1915)
Sicus indicus Kröber, 1940
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