Protarsomeres and metepimera. Male left tibia and protarsomeres: A. Oxycrepis (Loxandrus) recta (Say). Asymmetrically expanded, as in typical many Loxandrina species; B. Oxycrepis (Adrimus) gebi Will narrow, symmetrically, slightly expanded. Metepimera, left side: C. Oxycrepis (Loxandrus) recta. Large, elongate, apically rounded form, as in typical Loxandrina species. Black outline added to emphasize shape; D. Oxycrepis (Adrimus) rasutulis Will. Rectangular, narrow, truncate form, black outline added to emphasize shape. Drawings of alternative metepimera shapes: E. short, apically rounded form; F. narrowly triangular, truncate form.

  Part of: Will K (2020) Phylogeny and classification of the genus-group taxa of Loxandrina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Abacetini). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 67(2): 151-182.