The musculature connecting T8 to the cuticula. Lateral view, anterior to the right, line drawing from dissections. A. Ampulex compressa; B. Sceliphron destillatorium. dT7-T8 – dorsal tergum 7-tergum 8 muscle; vT7-T8 (a & b) – ventral tergum 7-tergum 8 muscle (portion a and b respectively); pT7-T8 – posterior tergum 7-tergum 8 muscle; S7-T8 – sternum 7-T8 muscle.

  Part of: Graf S, Willsch M, Ohl M (2021) Comparative morphology of the musculature of the sting apparatus in Ampulex compressa (Hymenoptera, Ampulicidae) and Sceliphron destillatorium (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 68(1): 21-32.