Spermathecal complex and gonocoxites, ventral view. A. Platyderus (Eremoderus) weiratheri Mařan, 1940, topotype female specimen; B. P. (E.) felixi, sp. nov., topotype female paratype; C. P. (E.) iranicus, sp. nov., topotype female paratype; D. P. (E.) vanensis, sp. nov., topotype female paratype; E. P. (E.) vanensis, sp. nov., female paratype, col de Buglan 1500 m, border area of Bingöl and Muş provinces, Turkey; F. P. (E.) vrabeci, sp. nov., topotype female paratype. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Abbreviations: ag – apical gonocoxite; at – atrium; bc – bursa copulatrix; bg – basal gonocoxite; co – common oviduct; rc – receptaculum; sg – spermathecal gland; smc – seminal canal; spc – spermathecal canal.