Line drawings of the pronota of six Stephanitis species from Japan, dorsal view: A. S. (Stephanitis) ambigua; B. S. (Norba) aperta; C. S. (N.) exigua; D. S. (N.) hayashii sp. nov.; E. S. (N.) hiurai; F. S. (N.) ishikawai sp. nov. Abbreviations: ca, calli; co, collar; ho, hood; lc, lateral carina; mc, median carina; pa, paranotum; pd, pronotal disc; pp, posterior process. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.

  Part of: Souma J (2022) Integrative taxonomy of the Lauraceae-feeding species of the genus Stephanitis (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Tingidae) from Japan. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 69(2): 219-281.