Hadroca ramosa (Naudé) male and female terminalia, line drawings with specimen localities. A–D, connective; A. Stellenbosch; B. Driftsands; C. Clanwilliam; D. Copied from Theron, 1974; E–J, style. E. Dorsally, Driftsands; F. Laterally, Stellenbosch; G. Dorsally, Stellenbosch; H. Macropter, laterally, Clanwilliam; I. Ventrally, copied from Theron, 1974, annotations in material and methods; J. Apophysis, laterally, copied from Theron, 1974. K–M, Valvifer 1. K. Dwarsrivier; L. Fisantekraal; M. Dwarsrivier; N–U, sternite VII. N. Submacropter Dwarsrivier; O. Macropter Algeria Forestry Station; P. Submacropter Fisantekraal; Q. Driehoek; R. Copied from Theron, 1974; S. Swellendam; T. Driftsands; U. Driehoek.