Maxillary palps of Trichoptera and Lepidoptera. A. First and second maxillary palp segments of H. acharai male; B–D. Third, fourth and fifth maxillary palp segments of H. acharai male; E. First, second and third maxillary palp segments of Ch. thienemanni male; F. Fifth maxillary palp segment of M. maschukella female. Abbreviations: cfs = campaniform sensilla; chs-l = longer blunt chaetoid sensilla; chs-n = nail-shaped chaetoid sensilla; chs-s = shorter blunt chaetoid sensilla; lts = pointed long trichoid sensilla; mps = mushroom-like pseudoplacoid sensilla; pes = petaloid sensilla; sf = sensory field; tbs = thick basiconic sensilla.

  Part of: Abu Diiak KT, Ivanov VD, Melnitsky SI, Valuyskiy MYu, Puyto AA (2023) Mouthpart palp sensilla of basal Trichoptera families. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 70(1): 55-68.