Research Article |
Corresponding author: Harald Krenn ( ) Academic editor: Dominique Zimmermann
© 2018 Bianca Baranek, Kenneth Kuba, Julia Bauder, Harald Krenn.
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Baranek B, Kuba K, Bauder JAS, Krenn HW (2018) Mouthpart dimorphism in male and female wasps of Vespula vulgaris and Vespula germanica (Vespidae, Hymenoptera). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 65(1): 65-74.
Social wasps perform a variety of tasks with their mouthparts. Female workers use them to feed on carbohydrate-rich fluids, to build nests by collecting wood fibers and forming paper, to hunt and manipulate insect prey for feeding larvae as well as for brood care. Since male wasps neither feed on insects nor participate in nest building, sex-specific differences in mouthpart morphology are expected. Despite these different applications, general mouthpart morphology of male and female wasps from the genus Vespula was similar. However, males possessed significantly shorter mandibles with fewer teeth than females. Furthermore, the adductor muscles of the mandibles were distinctly smaller in males than in females. Male wasps showed a higher number of sensilla on the mandibles and the labial palpi. Mouthpart dimorphism and functional morphology of fluid uptake are discussed.
mandible, sensilla, morphology, feeding, social insects, sexual dimorphism
Insect mouthparts are composed of a set of homologous organs that are derived from appendages of head segments adapted to various tasks in context of feeding, defence and nesting. The mouthparts are composed of an unpaired labrum plate in front of the mouth, paired mandibles and paired maxillae as well as an unpaired labium extending from the last head segment (
Social wasps collect two main kinds of food. Adult wasps nourish themselves with liquid carbohydrates obtained from honeydew, ripe fruits, flower nectar and sometimes tree sap (
The mouthparts of some Vespula species were previously examined in detail (
Head of Vespula germanica (LM). A. Female worker in frontal view; 1, 2, 3 measuments taken to compare head size. B. Male in frontal view. C. Female worker in lateral view. D. Male in ventral view; cl – clypeus, gl – glossa, lp – labial palpus, ma – mandible, mxp – maxillary palpus, pa – paraglossa.
Wasps from the genus Vespula are widely distributed in the Northern hemisphere (
The present study used various morphological methods including scanning electron microscopy and micro CT to investigate the micromorphology of the mouthparts in two species of the genus Vespula. Detailed examination of the cuticle structures including the sensilla allowed conclusions on the functional morphology of the various parts. Special emphasis is laid on the differences between females (workers and queens) and male wasps. Fundamental sex-specific differences in mouthpart morphology can be expected because of characteristic differences in behaviour of each sex.
8 individuals (2 queens, 4 female workers, 2 males) of Vespula germanica (Fabricius, 1793) and 7 individuals (3 queens, 4 female workers) of Vespula vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758) were used for light microscopy. Eighteen individuals of V. germanica were measured including nine female workers and nine males. 4 individuals of V. germanica (1 queen, 1 female worker, 2 males) and 8 individuals of V. vulgaris (5 female workers, 3 males) were used for scanning electron microscopy. 1 female worker and 1 male individual of V. germanica were used for micro CT to compare the musculature of the mandibles in different sexes.
The mouthpart components were extracted from the head using a pair of scissors, forceps and dissecting needles. The disaggregated mouthparts were rinsed with deionized water for 10 minutes and were subsequently transferred into 30 % lactic acid. The musculature dissolved after 120 hours on the vibrating unit at room temperature. The mouthparts were rinsed for 10 minutes, transferred to 30 % ethanol for several minutes and put into a drop of polyvinyl-lactophenol on a hollow microscopic slide which was covered with coverslip. The slides were dried in a fume hood for several days before examination with a light microscope (Nikon Laborphot 2) and a stereomicroscope (Nikon SMZ 10). Micrographs were taken using a light microscope (Nikon Eclipse E 800) with an attached camera (Nikon DS-Fi2 U3) and NIS-elements software.
The heads were placed in a small watch glass filled with sand, arranged under the stereomicroscope (Nikon SMZ 10) and imaged with an attached Samsung Digimax V50 camera. Length measurements of the mandibles and other parts of the head were conducted in both sexes (N=18). For the comparison of mandible size to head size three different measurements were performed using ImageJ (US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA): (1) Mandible length measured from the anterior articulation to the tip of the third tooth; (2) Length from the basis of the scapus of one antenna to the distal ridge of the clypeus; (3) Length of the head from the vertex to the distal ridge of the clypeus (Fig.
Wasp heads and mouthparts were dehydrated in an ascending ethanol series, subsequently submerged in 100% acetone for 90 minutes and transferred to hexamethyldisilazane for 60 minutes. The samples were taken out and left to air-dry under the fume hood overnight. Samples were mounted on aluminium stubs using carbon foils and conductive silver and were subsequently sputtered with gold using a JEOL JFC-2300HR Sputter Coater for 120 seconds. SEM micrographs were taken using a Philips XL 30 ESEM and JEOL IT 300 with an acceleration voltage of 20 kV.
Wasps were fixed in Dubosq-Brazil solution (alcoholic Bouin solution), stored in 70 % ethanol and stained with 1 % Iodine in ethanol (
No differences in head and mouthpart morphology were found between V. vulgaris and V. germanica (Fig.
The mouthparts of both sexes in V. vulgaris and V. germanica are characterized by large toothed mandibles and the labio-maxillary complex which is folded posteriorly under the head behind the mandibles (Fig.
Mandibles and labrum (SEM, LM). A. Mandibles (ma) overlapping in repose in front of the clypeus (cl); co – compound eye, gl – glossa. B. Open mandibles (ma), labrum (lr) and glossa (gl) underneath (male wasp). C. Mandible of female (LM), short bristles and mola (mo). D. Mandible of male (LM), long bristles and inconspicuous inner teeth.
The dentate mandibles are heavily sclerotized and shaped like a gouge in both sexes (Fig.
The mandibles bear bristle-shaped sensilla and sensilla campaniformia towards the teeth on the frontal side (Fig.
The comparison of the head anatomy in female workers and males showed that the muscles of the mandibles were remarkably smaller in males (Fig.
The labio-maxillary complex of both sexes is retracted in an oval depression on the posterior part of the head capsule in repose (Fig.
Labio-maxillary complex (SEM), head in posterior view. A. Maxilla and labium in resting position, ligula (gl – glossa and paraglossa) folded, female worker; c – cardo, lp – labial palpus, m – mentum, mxp – maxillary palpus, prm – prementum, st – stipes. B. Extended ligula, labial palpus (lp) and maxillary palpus (mxp), male; gl – glossa, pa – paraglossa.
The cardo is a roughly triangular sclerite that connects the rest of the labio-maxillary complex with the head. The flat stipes is medially uplifted with the median side next to the labium (Fig.
A. Maxilla (LM); c – cardo, ga – galea, l – lacinia, mxp – maxillary palpus, st – stipes. B. Fifth segment of maxillary palpus equipped with various sensilla (SEM); sba – sensillum basiconicum, str – sensillum trichodeum. C. Sensilla at the distal edge of galea (ga) (SEM); arrow indicates terminal pore; sca – sensillum campaniformium, sch – sensillum chaeticum.
All six segments of the maxillary palpus vary with respect to length and distribution of sensory bristles (Fig.
The basal sclerites of the labium are embraced laterally by the well sclerotized two stipites and cardines (Fig.
Labium (SEM). A. Extended ligula (gl – glossa, pa – paraglossa) in posterior view, acrosomal buttons (ab) at the apex; prm – prementum. B. Apex of glossa (gl), spatula shaped microtrichia (mi) of the dorsal side; pa – paraglossa, sba – sensillum basiconicum. C. Distal edge of the paraglossa with rows of microtrichia (mi) and sensilla basiconica (sba); ab – acrosomal button. D. Third segment of labial palpus (lp), female with thorn-shaped sensillum basiconicum (sba) and sensilla trichodea (str).
Ventrally the glossae and paraglossae each bear an apical brownish cuticular thickening, termed the acroglossal button (
The two labial palpi insert at the prementum where it borders the mentum (Fig.
Mouthparts of social wasps are complex in form and function and show particular adaptations to both biting and fluid feeding. Our results confirm those of
The labio-maxillary complex is capable of operating completely independent from the mandibles (
Adult Vespinae of both sexes feed exclusively on liquid food such as the juice of ripe fruits, honeydew or nectar since larger particles of food are prevented from travelling down the narrow esophagus (
Imagines of V. germanica and V. vulgaris may feed only on flowers with easily accessible nectar (
Compared to the female workers, male wasps have a higher number of long bristle-shaped sensilla on the mandibles, whereas the sensilla equipment of the labio-maxillary complex is nearly identical except for the higher number of sensilla basiconica and the lack of the thorn-shaped sensillum on the labial palpi of males. The reason for the higher numbers of mandibular sensilla of male wasps is unknown. Although it can be expected that the sensilla on the palpi mainly provide information about food, the differences in sensilla equipment cannot be interpreted since the external morphology of sensilla gives only rough estimates about their sensory functions (
Various types of sensilla are located on the labio-maxillary complex that could give information about food uptake and transport as well as position of the mouthpart components. Both the lacinia and the galea serve as lateral parts of the passageway through which food may be ingested (
In spite of the similar putative function of the palpi in feeding, the coverage with sensilla is much higher on the maxillary palpi than on the labial palps. In addition to many sensory bristles having a putative tactile function, the labial palpi just show one to three sensilla basiconica whereas the number of sensilla basiconica is much higher on the maxillary palpi. This distribution of sensilla would suggest that the maxillary palpi are rather used for testing the consistence of food substances. Detailed analysis of the movements of both maxillary palpi and labial palpi during feeding could provide insight into the possible different tasks.
It can be expected that the sensilla at the distal edges of the ligula and the acroglossal buttons detect sugar. The acroglossal buttons are developed in this typical form only in Vespidae (
We thank Volker Mauss (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany) for providing male Vespula wasps. We are grateful to Daniela Gruber of the electron microscopy laboratory (CIUS) and Brain Metscher (Department of Theoretical Biology) at the Faculty of Life Scienes (University of Vienna, Austria) as well as to Stephan Handschuh (VetCORE, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna) who helped with the µCT imaging.