Research Article |
Corresponding author: Michael J. Raupach ( ) Academic editor: James Liebherr
© 2019 Michael J. Raupach, Karsten Hannig, Jérome Morinière, Lars Hendrich.
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Raupach MJ, Hannig K, Morinière J, Hendrich L (2019) About Notiophilus Duméril, 1806 (Coleoptera, Carabidae): Species delineation and phylogeny using DNA barcodes. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 66(1): 63-73.
The genus Notiophilus Duméril, 1806 is a distinctive taxon of small, diurnal and morphologically similar beetles exhibiting large eyes and widened second elytral intervals. In this study we analysed the effectiveness of DNA barcodes to discriminate 67 specimens that represent 8 species of Notiophilus from Central Europe. Interspecific K2P distances below 2.2% were found for N. biguttatus (Fabricius, 1779) and N. quadripunctatus Dejean, 1826, whereas intraspecific distances with values > 2.2% were revealed for N. rufipes Curtis, 1829. An additional phylogenetic analysis of all available species revealed a close relationship of N. directus Casey, 1920, N. semistriatus Say, 1823, N. simulator Fall, 1906 and N. sylvaticus Dejean, 1831, possibly indicating a radiation of these species in North America. Low support values of most other nodes, however, do not allow additional phylogenetic conclusions.
Colonisation, Europe, Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, German Barcode of Life (GBOL), Mitochondrial DNA, Nebriinae, Zoogeography
The Carabidae or ground beetles are a huge cosmopolitan family with an estimated number of more than 40,000 species worldwide (
Two representative species of the genus Notiophilus amongst those analysed in this study: A: Notiophilus germinyi Fauvel in Grenier, 1863 and B: Notiophilus rufipes Curtis, 1829. Note the characteristic different size of the second elytral intervals (“Spiegelfeld”) for both beetle species. Scale bars = 1 mm. Source of photos: (access date: 2019–01–15).
As noted, species of Notiophilus are remarkably similar in habitus and display a considerable individual variation, making identification difficult (e.g.
As part of our efforts in building a comprehensive DNA barcode library of ground beetles of Germany, we analysed the quality of DNA barcodes to discriminate Central European species of the carabid genus Notiophilus. Furthermore, we reconstructed the phylogeny of this small but charismatic carabid genus for the first time, with a focus on the zoogeographic distribution of the analysed species.
All analysed ground beetles were collected between 2005 and 2017 using various classical sampling methods (i.e. hand collecting, pitfall traps) and stored in ethanol (96%). The analysed specimens were identified by two of the authors (KH, MJR) using the key provided in
Laboratory operations were carried out, following standardised protocols for COI amplification and sequencing (
Detailed information about used primers, PCR amplification, and sequencing protocols can be found in a previous publication (see
Comprehensive voucher information, taxonomic classifications, photos, DNA barcode sequences, primer pairs used and trace files (including their quality) are publicly accessible through the public dataset “DS-BANOT” (Dataset ID: on the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD; (
The analysis tools of the BOLD workbench were employed to calculate the nucleotide composition of the sequences and distributions of Kimura-2-parameter distances (K2P;
In addition, all sequences were aligned using MUSCLE (
As part of our phylogenetic study, we used one representative sequence per analysed species, namely a sequence of the most abundant haplotype. Furthermore, we added sequences of all additional species available at BOLD with a length of at least 500 base pairs (bp), following the same procedure if more than one sequence was given: Notiophilus aeneus (Herbst, 1806), N. borealis Harris, 1869, N. directus Casey, 1920, N. reitteri Spaeth, 1900, N. semistriatus Say, 1823, N. simulator Fall, 1906 and N. sylvaticus Dejean, 1831. Five CO1 sequence of the genus Nebria Latreille, 1802 (N. brevicollis (Fabricius, 1792) (KM451780), N. frigida R.F. Sahlberg, 1844 (KU875532), N. metallica Fischer von Waldheim, 1822 (KU875541), N. nivalis Paykull, 1790 (KU875543) and N. salina Fairmaire & Laboulbène, 1854 (KM444378)) were used as outgroup taxa. In total, this dataset consisted of 20 sequences. All sequences were aligned using MUSCLE with default settings (
The accuracy of phylogenetic reconstructions depends on various factors, e.g. sequence quality, the correct identification of homologous sites, the absence of heterotachy or, in particular, substitution saturation (
Phylogenetic relationships were analysed under the maximum likelihood criterion using IQ-TREE 1.6.8 (
Overall, 67 DNA barcode sequences were analysed for eight of the nine species of the genus Notiophilus from Germany. Fragment lengths of the analysed DNA barcode fragments ranged from 549 to 658 bp. As is typically known for arthropods, a high AT-content was found for the DNA barcode region: the mean sequence compositions were A = 28%, C = 16.3%, G = 17.3% and T = 38.4%. Intraspecific K2P distances within a genus ranged from zero to a maximum of 3.62% (N. rufipes), whereas interspecific distances within the analysed genus had values between 0.62 and 10.22% (Table
Molecular distances based on the Kimura 2-parameter model of the analysed specimens and species of the genus Notiophilus. Divergence values were calculated for all studied sequences, using the Nearest Neighbour Summary implemented in the Barcode Gap Analysis tool provided by the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD). Align sequencing option: BOLD aligner (amino acid based HMM), ambiguous base/gap handling: pairwise deletion. ISD = intraspecific distance. BINs are based on the barcode analysis from 18–11–2018. Species with maximum intraspecific distances > 2.2% and species pairs with interspecific distances < 2.2% are marked in bold.
Species | n | Mean ISD | Max ISD | BIN | Nearest Species | Distance to NN |
Notiophilus aestuans Dejean, 1826 | 4 | 0.24 | 0.48 | ACB8850 | N. aquaticus | 7.04 |
Notiophilus aquaticus (Linnaeus, 1758) | 10 | 0.58 | 1.12 | AAY5028 | N. aestuans | 7.04 |
Notiophilus biguttatus (Fabricius, 1779) | 16 | 0.22 | 0.77 | AAO0964 | N. quadripunctatus | 0.62 |
Notiophilus germinyi Fauvel in Grenier, 1863 | 5 | 0.43 | 0.92 | AAY5659 | N. rufipes | 10.22 |
Notiophilus palustris (Duftschmid, 1812) | 10 | 0.26 | 1.11 | AAX5556 | N. aquaticus | 9.17 |
Notiophilus quadripunctatus Dejean, 1826 | 3 | 0 | 0 | AAO0964 | N. biguttatus | 0.62 |
Notiophilus rufipes Curtis, 1829 | 8 | 1.55 | 3.62 | AAX5571, AAC7024 | N. palustris | 9.24 |
Notiophilus substriatus Waterhouse, 1833 | 11 | 0.08 | 0.31 | ACC3407 | N. aquaticus | 7.73 |
The NJ analyses, based on K2P distances, revealed non-overlapping clusters with bootstrap support values of 100% for six species (75%). Nodal support values below 85% were found for N. biguttatus and N. quadripunctatus (Fig.
Neighbour joining (NJ) topology of the analysed ground beetle species of Notiophilus, based on Kimura 2-parameter distances. Numbers next to nodes represent non-parametric bootstrap values > 90% (1,000 replicates). Source of photos: (access date: 2019–01–15).
Maximum statistical parsimony network of Notiophilus biguttatus (Fabricius, 1779) and Notiophilus quadripunctatus Dejean, 1828. Parameters used included default settings for connection steps, gaps being treated as fifth state. Each line represents a single mutational change, whereas small black dots indicate missing haplotypes. The numbers of analysed specimens (n) are listed and the diameter of the circles is proportional to the number of specimens for each haplotypes (see given open half circles with numbers). Scale bars = 1 mm. Source of photos: (access date: 2019–01–15).
Subtree of the neighbour joining topology, based on Kimura 2-parameter distances of all analysed specimens of Notiophilus rufipes Curtis, 1829. Branches with specimen ID-number from BOLD, species names and sample localities. Numbers next to internal nodes are non-parametric bootstrap values (in %). Source of photo: (access date: 2019–01–15).
The test of substitution saturation revealed that the observed index of substitution saturation (Iss: 0.22) for the alignment was significantly lower than the corresponding critical index substitution saturation (Iss. c (symmetrical tree): 0.74; Iss. c (asymmetrical tree): 0.54), indicating that there was no or little saturation in the dataset (Suppl. material
Modelfinder revealed the GTR+F+R3 model as the optimal nucleotide substitution model for our dataset with the following rate parameters: nucleotide frequencies A: 0.29, C: 0.16, G: 0.17, T: 0.38; substitution rates RAC: 0.01, RAG: 40.39, RAT: 21.52, RCG: 1.45, RCT: 98.02, RGT: 1; model of rate heterogeneity: FreeRate with 3 categories: category 1 with a relative rate = 0.06 and a proportion of 0.69, category 2 with a relative rate = 2.02 and a proportion of 0.27 and category 3 with a relative rate = 12.74 and a proportion of 0.03).
The results of the phylogenetic analysis are visualised in Figure
Maximum likelihood phylogeny inferred in IQ-TREE, based on the CO1 barcode fragment for the genus Notiophilus. The model of nucleotide substitution used was selected with Modelfinder as part of the IQ-TREE work package. The tree was rooted with five Nebria species as outgroup. Nodal support was calculated with SH-aLRT (above) and UFBoot (below) values. Black dots indicate very robust nodes with very high values (SH-aLRT ≥ 90%, UFBoot ≥ 95%), grey dots indicate moderately robust nodes (SH-aLRT ≥ 80%, UFBoot ≥ 80%) and white dots indicate weak nodes (SH-aLRT < 80%, UFBoot < 80%) (see Material and Methods for details). Continent silhouettes indicate the biogeographic distribution of the analysed taxa (from left to right: Africa, Europe, Asia and North America).
For many decades, ground beetles have been used regularly as indicators of biodiversity and habitat quality (e.g.
Low interspecific distances were found for N. biguttatus and N. quadripunctatus (0.62%) (Fig.
In contrast to this, maximum intraspecific pairwise distances with values between 1.5 and 3.6% were found between two distinct monophyletic lineages of N. rufipes (Fig.
Despite the fact that only few nodes had high support values, the phylogenetic analysis revealed some important results: i) N. aeneus represents the sister taxon to all other analysed N. species, ii) all other taxa are part of two clades: one clade includes N. biguttatus and N. quadripunctatus with maximum support (100%/100%); all other species are found in a second clade with medium support (87.4%/85%), iii) high nodal support is shown for a clade with the closely related species of N. directus, N. semistriatus, N. simulator and N. sylvaticus and iv) high nodal support is revealed for clade with N. germinyi, N. rufipes and N. palustris (Fig.
The assessment of biodiversity using molecular tools represents an essential aspect of modern biological sciences. In this context, our dataset represents another step in building a comprehensive DNA barcoding library for carabids in Germany and Central Europe. Furthermore, a first phylogenetic analysis of this genus is presented. Although the present dataset included sequences of only 15 of the 57 known species of Notiophilus and, in particular, endemic species from Central Asia are missing, our analysis reveals some important insights into the phylogeny of this genus, including a well-supported clade of N. directus, N. semistriatus, N. simulator and N. sylvaticus that gives some evidence for a possible radiation of these species in North America, as well as a close relationship of N. germinyi, N. palustris and N. rufipes.
We would like to thank Christina Blume, Claudia Etzbauer (both ZFMK, Bonn) and Jana Deppermann (DZMB, Wilhelmshaven) for their laboratory assistance. Furthermore, we are very grateful to Sascha Buchholz (Berlin) and Frank Köhler (Bonn) for providing various beetles and to Ortwin Bleich for giving permission to use his excellent photos of ground beetles that were taken from We also thank David Kavanaugh, David Maddison and an unknown reviewer for their helpful comments. This publication was partially financed by German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (FKZ01LI1101A, FKZ01LI1101B, FKZ03F0664A), the Land Niedersachsen and the German Science Foundation (INST427/1-1), as well as by grants from the Bavarian State Government (BFB) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (GBOL2: 01LI1101B). We are grateful to the team of Paul Hebert in Guelph (Ontario, Canada) for their great support and help and, in particular, to Sujeevan Ratnasingham for developing the BOLD database infrastructure and the BIN management tools. Sequencing work was partly supported by funding from the Government of Canada to Genome Canada through the Ontario Genomics Institute, whereas the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation and NSERC supported development of the BOLD informatics platform.
Detailed Neighbour Joining topology
Data type: Neighbour Joining topology
Substitution saturation plot
Data type: Substitution saturation plot