Research Article |
Corresponding author: Andrew D. Liston ( ) Academic editor: Dominique Zimmermann
© 2015 Andrew D. Liston, Georg Goergen, Frank Koch.
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Liston A, Goergen G, Koch F (2015) The immature stages and biology of two Xenapates species in West Africa (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 62(1): 9-17.
The immature stages and host plants of Xenapates Kirby, 1882 were hitherto unknown. We describe the larvae, prepupae and pupae of X. braunsi (Konow, 1896) and X. gaullei (Konow, 1896), and record observations on aspects of their biology. The relationship of Xenapates to other taxa currently placed in the Allantinae and Blennocampinae of the Tenthredinidae remains unclear. Most larval characters of Xenapates resemble those described for West Palaearctic Allantini (Allantinae) and some Blennocampinae, but unique amongst exophytic larvae of Tenthredinoidea is the complete absence of cuticular appendages on the dorsum of the trunk in the two Xenapates species studied. The setose outer surface of the abdominal prolegs of Xenapates, and the presence of a mesal ridge only on the left mandible, are character states that have not so far been recorded in other genera currently placed in the Allantinae or Blennocampinae. Larval host plants of X. braunsi are Digitaria horizontalis, Pennisetum purpureum, Setaria barbata and Zea mays (all Poaceae). X. gaullei larvae feed on two Commelina species (Commelinaceae). Larvae of both species are easy bleeders.
Xenapateini , morphology, phenology, hosts, Poaceae , Commelinaceae
Xenapates Kirby, 1882 contains forty-seven described species that are currently considered to be valid (
By chance, Xenapates braunsi and X. gaullei were found to occur in the vegetation of fallow areas on the campus of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), near Cotonou, Republic of Benin, 6.44°N 2.33°E. All specimens were collected or reared, and field observations made there, by Georg Goergen (hereafter abbreviated to GG), between June 2011 and August 2014. Larvae of X. gaullei were first detected by close examination of Commelina communis plants, growing near to where adults had been observed courting. Further searching led to the discovery of a few larvae of X. braunsi, feeding on adjacent plants of Setaria barbata. The first attempts to rear larvae in the laboratory, using rearing cages, ended with the death of all larvae after only a few days. After several failed attempts, larvae of both species were reared (Table
Ex ova rearing chronologies of Xenapates braunsi and X. gaullei, using respectively Setaria barbata and Commelina communis as host plants, between 2012 and 2014. Numerous unsuccessful rearings are not listed.
Year | Introduction of adults to cages | First observation of larvae | Larvae burrowed into soil | Adult emergence |
X. braunsi | ||||
2012 | 26 October | 31 October | 15–17 November (n=3) | No emergence |
2013 | 18 May | 23 May | 8–9 June (n=4) | 19–22 June (n=3) |
2013 | 03 October | 08 October | 28–30 October (n=9) | 13–14 April 2014 (n=3) |
X. gaullei | ||||
2012 | 4 May | 9 May | 25–26 May (n=4) | No emergence |
2013 | 6 June | 11 June | 1–2 July (n=5) | 18–20 July (n=2) |
2013 | 27 September | 4 October | 27–28 October (n=4) | 17 April 2014 (n=2) |
Habitus images were taken by GG of living or freshly prepared adults and various immature stages, with a Q Imaging Micropublisher 5.0 RTV digital camera mounted on a Leica Wild M10 binocular microscope. Stacks of photographs were processed using Auto-Montage Pro (version 5.03) software (Syncroscopy) to produce composite images, then enhanced using Adobe Photoshop CS5 software. Specimens of larvae, prepupae and pupae were preserved in ethanol and deposited together with dry mounted adults in the collections of the Biodiversity Centre (IITA, Calavi, Benin) and the Museum für Naturkunde (Berlin, Germany).
Larvae preserved in ethanol were subsequently studied by Andrew Liston. Vouchers are deposited in the Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut (Müncheberg, Germany).
It was not possible to establish to which instars these belonged. Xenapates braunsi material comprised four larvae of probably at least two instars, based on their head capsule widths: 1.2, 1.5–1.7 mm). X. gaullei was represented by twelve larvae, probably of at least three instars: head capsule widths 0.5–0.8, 1.2, 1.7, 2.1 mm. Some body parts were photographed with a Leica DFC295 camera through an Olympus SZX12 microscope. Composite images with an extended depth of field were created from stacks of images using the software CombineZ5.3, and finally arranged and partly enhanced with Ulead PhotoImpact X3.
Morphological terminology follows
Descriptions are based mainly on the final feeding instars. Examination of larvae by GG, and his photographs of reared larvae at various stages, showed that the mature larvae differ very little in morphology or colouration from earlier instars. However, the colour pattern, particularly the black markings, becomes more strongly developed as the larva matures.
[based on the larvae of X. braunsi and X. gaullei]
Head. Slightly wider than high (to epistomal suture). Without surface sculpture. Antenna with 5 antennomeres on large subconic antacorium. 4 basal antennomeres ring-like, apical antennomere peg-like. Clypeus with 4 setae. Postclypeus about half as long as preclypeus. Preclypeus with medial, laterally sclerotised (brown), transverse division (ca. medial third unsclerotised). Labrum slightly asymmetric (right lobe larger than left), undivided by longitudinal or transverse depressions, with 6 setae. Stipes and palpifer of maxilla each with a prominent lobe directed towards mandibles. Left mandible (Figs
Xenapates larvae: 3. X. braunsi left mandible, outer face; green line along edge of mesal ridge. 4. X. braunsi left mandible, ventral; (a) medial tooth, (b) inner face. 5. X. braunsi right mandible, inner face. 6. X. gaullei right pro- and mesothoracic legs; (c) expanded apex of femur. 7. X. gaullei thorax, lateral. 8. X. braunsi proleg and ventral part of abdominal segment 8, external surface; (d) reticulate-spiculate surface structure on surpedal lobe; (e) setae on proleg (some missing). 9. X. braunsi mature larva; dorsal, lateral and ventral (from left). 10. X. gaullei mature larva.
Cuticle of thorax and abdomen. Without dorsal macrostructures such as tubercles, spines, or longer setae, but with reticulate-spiculate surface structure on dorsum reaching to just above spiracles (Fig.
Thorax. Meso- and metathoracic substigmal lobes strongly protruding laterally. Prothorax with more or less strongly developed dorso-lateral lobes. Legs with 5 articles, bearing numerous long setae. Coxa longer than basal width. Trochanter wider than long; about half as long as coxa. Femur apically expanded on inner surface (Fig.
Abdomen. Segments 1–8 with 6 dorsal annulets. Prolegs on segments 2–8 and 10; 1.5–1.7× as long as basal width, with 16–20 setae on outer surface (Fig.
Colour (Fig.
Head (Fig.
Xenapates immature stages: Larva; head frontal. 11. X. braunsi 12. X. gaullei. Prepupa; ventral, lateral and dorsal (from left). 13. X. braunsi 14. X. gaullei. Pupa; ventral, lateral and dorsal (from left). 15. X. braunsi 16. X. gaullei. 17. X. braunsi: cocoon containing pupa. 18. Vacated egg pocket of X. gaullei, exuvia of first instar larva visible in perforation, with feeding hole (at left) made by second instar. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Trunk. Prothorax dorsal annulets 1 and 2 laterally fused. Annulet 2 medially divided; lateral lobes very much higher than lateral parts of 1 or 3. Dorsal surface of lobes on annulet 2 with partly pigmented spicules that are more strongly developed than on other parts of thoracic dorsum. Surface of integument of abdomen above spiracles almost smooth, with very minute, unpigmented spicules. Some partly dark spicules on hypopleurite, surpedal and substigmal lobes (Fig.
Length of fully grown larvae: 19–20 mm (n = 16).
Colour (Fig.
Head (Fig.
Trunk. Prothorax with dorsal annulets clearly separated. Annulet 3 medially divided and lateral lobes slightly higher than lateral parts of 1 and 2. Entire surface of integument on dorsum above spiracles, and partly on subspiracular and surpedal lobes, densely and uniformly spiculate (Fig.
Length of fully grown larvae: 20–21 mm (n = 7).
The colour pattern of the larva of Xenapates gaullei is largely lost at the moult to the prepupal stage (Fig.
X. braunsi: Poaceae: Digitaria horizontalis Willdenow (Jamaican crabgrass), Pennisetum purpureum Schumacher (elephant grass), Setaria barbata (Lamarck) Kunth (bristly foxtail grass), Zea mays Linnaeus (maize).
All four plant species were observed to be hosts under field conditions. Though adults were regularly found on Z. mays during the wet seasons, larvae were rarely observed feeding on this species, compared to the other host plants. A few larvae collected in the field on maize were successfully reared to the cocoon stage on potted maize plants.
X. gaullei: Commelinaceae: Commelina benghalensis Linnaeus (Bengal dayflower) and C. communis Linnaeus (Asiatic dayflower). Both species were found to be hosts under field conditions.
Adults of Xenapates braunsi and X. gaullei were frequently observed courting and mating on leaves of Alternanthera brasiliana (Linnaeus) Kuntze (Amaranthaceae), which offer a relatively large surface area on which the sawflies can engage with each other. These activities took place particularly during sunny periods following rainfall. Neither oviposition nor occurrence of larvae was observed on A. brasiliana. Despite the provision of honey solution, adults never lived longer than three days in captivity. Compared to other sawflies, the incubation period of X. braunsi and X. gaullei eggs is extremely short (lasting a maximum of five days: see Table
X. braunsi: Oviposition was not observed during this study, but 3 mm long larvae were detected on young leaves of Setaria barbata five days after the introduction of adults to the experimental cages. Larval feeding followed a similar pattern to X. gaullei, except that early instars first grazed on the leaf surface without perforating it. Later, the still young larvae moved to the leaf edge and fed on its margin. They were then also observed to feed on older leaves. When mature, larvae stopped feeding and entered the ground, without moulting. The cocoon (Fig.
X. gaullei: Eggs were found mostly singly on sub-apical leaves, but not on the youngest, apical leaves. Oviposition was into a slit cut in the mesophyll from the upper side of a leaf, at no specific locus: eggs were found close to the leaf edge or at some distance from it, but never in the mid-rib. On average, larvae left their egg cavities (Fig.
Although too few adults were reared to allow definite conclusions to be drawn on voltinism, field observations of adults in 2012 through 2014 indicated that Xenapates braunsi and X. gaullei are multivoltine, with two or three generations per year. Possibly the number of generations depends on prevailing weather conditions. The first generation emerges at the beginning of the main wet season, which lasts from April to late July. In years with early and sustained rainfall such as 2013, a second generation of X. braunsi can emerge as early as 11–14 days after the first larvae have burrowed into the ground, i.e. 34–36 days after the egg was laid (Table
The phylogenetic position of Xenapates within the Tenthredinidae, as in several other lineages traditionally placed in the Allantinae, remains unclear. Xenapates larvae differ from previously described exophytic tenthredinid larvae (
The spectrum of host plants utilised by Tenthredinoidea is very large, with larvae of most taxa feeding on angiosperms, but a large minority on gymnosperms, and rather fewer on ferns, horsetails and mosses (
Until now, only one record existed of an Afrotropical sawfly species using a member of the Poales as a larval host. Larvae of a Distega species (Blennocampinae), identified as Distega aff. nigeriae Fors.[ius, 1927], were stated to feed on “Mil” (French for millet; cultivated Pennisetum spp.) in Senegal by
In the Holarctic, some species of Selandriinae and Nematinae whose larvae feed on Poaceae reach levels of abundance sufficient to make them ecologically important in grasslands (for example, the larvae are a major source of nutrition for some bird species:
All four of the larval hosts of X. braunsi identified in this study are of greater or lesser importance as cereal or fodder crops in Benin and throughout tropical and sub-tropical Africa (
We are grateful to the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, for enabling open access publication of this work. Akihiko Shinohara (National Museum of Science, Tokyo, Japan) most kindly translated Okutani’s description of the larva of Takeuchiella pentagona. Aristide C. Tehou and Pierre O. Agbani (Jardin Botanique et Herbier National du Bénin, Université d’Abomey Calavi, Abomey-Calavi, Benin) helped to identify all host plants. We also thank Hervé Hounguè, IITA Benin, for technical assistance in collecting adults in the field and in rearing the two Xenapates species. Akihiko Shinohara, Dominique Zimmermann, and an anonymous reviewer suggested valuable improvements to the manuscript.