Research Article |
Corresponding author: Maraike Willsch ( ) Academic editor: Dominique Zimmermann
© 2020 Maraike Willsch, Frank Friedrich, Daniel Baum, Ivo Jurisch, Michael Ohl.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Willsch M, Friedrich F, Baum D, Jurisch I, Ohl M (2020) A comparative description of the mesosomal musculature in Sphecidae and Ampulicidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) using 3D techniques. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 67(1): 51-67.
Conflicting hypotheses about the relationships among the major lineages of aculeate Hymenoptera clearly show the necessity of detailed comparative morphological studies. Using micro-computed tomography and 3D reconstructions, the skeletal musculature of the meso- and metathorax and the first and second abdominal segment in Apoidea are described. Females of Sceliphron destillatorium, Sphex (Fernaldina) lucae (both Sphecidae), and Ampulex compressa (Ampulicidae) were examined. The morphological terminology provided by the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology is used. Up to 42 muscles were found. The three species differ in certain numerical and structural aspects. Ampulicidae differs significantly from Sphecidae in the metathorax and the anterior abdomen. The metapleural apodeme and paracoxal ridge are weakly developed in Ampulicidae, which affect some muscular structures. Furthermore, the muscles that insert on the coxae and trochanters are broader and longer in Ampulicidae. A conspicuous characteristic of Sphecidae is the absence of the metaphragma. Overall, we identified four hitherto unrecognized muscles. Our work suggests additional investigations on structures discussed in this paper.
Aculeata, anatomy, microCT, phylogeny, propodeum, thorax
Hymenoptera form one of the largest insect orders and comprise more than 150,000 extant species (
About 10,000 species of digger wasps (also named apoid wasps) as part of the species-rich superfamily Apoidea are currently known (
Morphological characters are still one of the major sources of phylogenetic inference (e.g.,
A state-of-the-art method for morphological analyses is the three-dimensional imaging, using micro-computed tomography (microCT). It is a highly powerful technique (
By using 3D imaging, we aim to expand the basic morphological knowledge for phylogenetic investigations within Aculeata. In this paper we present data of muscular structures in the mesosoma of Sceliphron destillatorium (Illiger, 1807), Sphex (Fernaldina) lucae de Saussure, 1867 (both Sphecidae), and Ampulex compressa (Fabricius, 1781) (Ampulicidae) (Fig.
Sphex and Ampulex were taken from the collection of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (
The extremities of the specimens were removed to minimize the scan field for optimizing the resolution of the data sets. Furthermore, the tip of the gaster was removed to facilitate the infiltration of the iodine, which intensifies the visibility of the musculature in the scan. Following
Basic information about the specimen collection, classification, preparation, and settings for microCT scanning.
Specimens | Sceliphron destillatorium | Sphex (Fernaldina) lucae | Ampulex compressa |
MfN_Hym_Sph_I004239 | MfN_Hym_Sph_I000635 | MfN_Hym_Amp_I000029 |
Location/label data | GREECE, Crete, Afrata [little road], 35°34'38.31"N, 23°4'2.3"E | USA, New Mexico, Hidalgo Co., Gray Ranch, 20.6 mi S Ammas | GERMANY, Berlin, |
Date of collection | 24 June 2015 | 28 Aug. 2003 | 28 Sept. 2015 |
Leg. | M. Willsch | S. Schiller, I. Richert | L. Kirschey |
Det. | M. Willsch 2015 | M. Ohl 2004 | L. Kirschey 2015 |
Family | Sphecidae | Sphecidae | Ampulicidae |
Sex | Female | Female | Female |
Body size (mm) | 20 | 18 | 21 |
Storage | 96% ethanol | 96% ethanol | 96% ethanol |
Sample preparation | 25% Iodine staining, critical point drying | 25% Iodine staining, critical point drying | 25% Iodine staining, critical point drying |
Scanning medium | Air | Air | Air |
Voltage (kV) | 48 | 48 | 50 |
Current (µA) | 250 | 250 | 275 |
Number of images | 1000 | 1000 | 1440 |
Rotation steps | 0.36 | 0.36 | 0.25 |
Exposure time (ms) | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 |
Resolution (µm/pixel) | 3.40 | 4.69 | 5.00 |
The raw microCT image data were visualised and analysed by using a Wacom Cintiq 22HD interactive pen display and the software AMIRA ZIB EDITION 2020.02 and former versions (provided by the Zuse Institute Berlin). All muscles were segmented and labelled manually by using appropriate segmentation tools in AMIRA. Segmented materials were transformed into high-resolution surfaces using the Isosurface-Tool in AMIRA. The reconstruction was accomplished for one body side of the specimens, as no structural asymmetries were observed in this region. Therefore, the number of muscles given in the results refers to one-half of the body. For post-editing (e.g., picture artefacts, file size reduction, file converting, figure compilation) we exported TIF-files from AMIRA into ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS6.
Skeletal musculature was categorised based on insertion sites. The muscle terminology of the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology (HAO; (
Region of origin and insertion:
3ax2 third axillary sclerite of fore wing
3ax3 third axillary sclerite of hind wing
ba basalare
cx coxa
fu furca
ism intersegmental membrane
occ occlusor
pc pectus
ph phragma
pl pleuron
S sternum
s thoracal sternum
sa subalare
sp spiracle
T1 first abdominal tergite/propodeum
T2 second abdominal tergite
tr trochanter
Divided thorax:
1 located on the prothorax
2 located on the mesothorax
3 located on the metathorax
a anterior
d dorsal
l lateral
m medial
p posterior
v ventral
Order; mostly stated for functional groups of muscles:
a or 1 first
b or 2 second
c or 3 third
Descriptions, that involve the meso- and metafurca, are based on the terminology of
Volume rendering of the mesosomal exoskeleton of Sceliphron destillatorium, anterior to the left. A. Dorsal surface view; B. Lateral surface view; C. Ventral surface view. Abbreviations: N1l – pronotal lobe, N3 – metanotum, cx1 – procoxa, cx2 – mesocoxa, cx3 – metacoxa, pl2 – mesopleuron, pl3 – metapleuron, tr2 – mesotrochanter, S1 – prosternum, S2 – mesosternum, S3 – metasternum, scl2 – mesoscutellum, T1 – propodeum, tg – tegula. Scale bars: 0.9 mm (A, B), 1 mm (C).
Terminology of the thoracic and abdominal musculature of all specimens examined. Origination and insertion are described on the basis of Sceliphron. If a muscle is absent in Sceliphron, the description refers to Sphex or Ampulex, respectively, if absent in Sphex. The list is sorted caudad (from thorax towards abdomen) by insertions of the muscles and by assumed functional groups. X = muscle present; - = muscle absent; ? = uncertain homology. A homologisation with the generalised nomenclature for neopteran thoracic muscles of
Abbreviation | Name of muscle | Origin | Insertion | Sceliphron destillatorium | Sphex lucae | Ampulex compressa | Neoptera terminology |
Mesothorax | |||||||
fu2-fu1v | ventral mesofurco-profurcal | mesofurcal bridge | profurca | X | X | X | Ivlm7 |
pl2-t2a | first mesopleuro-mesonotal | mesopectus | mesoscutum | X | X | X | IIdvm1 |
pl2-ba2 | mesopleuro-mesobasalar | mesopleuron | mesobasalare | X | X | X | IIspm1 |
sp1occ | anterior thoracic spiracle occlusor | intersegmental membrane | anterior thoracic spiracle | X | X | X | – |
ism1,2-ba2 | intersegmental membrane-mesobasalar | intersegmental membrane, mesopleuron | mesobasalare | X | X | X | IIppm2 |
pl2-3ax2a | first mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing | mesopleuron | third axillary sclerite of fore wing | X | X | X | IItpm7 |
pl2-3ax2b | second mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing | mesopleuron | third axillary sclerite of fore wing | X | X | X | IItpm9 |
pl2-3ax2c | third mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing | mesopleuron | third axillary sclerite of fore wing | X | X | X | IItpm9 |
pl2-t2b | second mesopleuro-mesonotal | mesopleuron | lateral axillar area of mesonotum | X | X | X | IItpm5 |
cx2-sa2 | mesocoxo-mesosubalar | mesocoxa | mesosubalare | X | X | X | IIdvm6 |
fu2a-ph2 | anterior mesofurco-mesolaterophragmal | mesofurcal arm | mesolaterophragma | X | X | X | IIdvm8 |
sp3occ | posterior thoracic spiracle occlusor | mesofurcal arm | posterior thoracic spiracle | – | X | X | – |
pl2a-fu2 | anterior mesopleuro-mesofurcal | mesopleuron, mesepimeral ridge | mesofurcal arm | X | X | X | IIspm2 |
pl2-cx2 | mesopleuro-mesocoxal | mesopleuron | mesocoxa (anterolateral) | X | X | X | IIpcm4 |
pl2-cx2b* | second mesopleuro-mesocoxal | mesopleuron, mesopleural spiracle apodeme | mesocoxa (dorsolateral) | – | X | Xd | IIpcm4? |
s2-cx2 | mesosterno-mesocoxal | mesodiscrimenal lamella, mesopectus | mesocoxa (anterolateral) | X | X | X | IIscm3 |
fu2-cx2 | mesofurco-mesocoxal | mesodiscrimenal lamella | mesocoxa (anteromedial) | X | X | X | IIscm2 |
fu2l-tr2 | lateral mesofurco-mesotrochanteral | mesopleuron, mesofurcal arm | mesotrochanteral apodeme (lateral) | X | Xd | – | IIscm6 |
fu2m-tr2 | median mesofurco-mesotrochanteral | mesofurcal arm | mesotrochanteral apodeme (lateral) | X | X | Xd | IIscm6 |
ph1-ph2 | prophragmo-mesophragmal | prophragma | mesophragma | X | X | X | IIdlm1 |
Number of mesothoracic muscles (max. 20): | 18 | 20 | 19 | ||||
Metathorax | |||||||
pl3a-ba3 | anterior metapleuro-metabasalar | metapleuron, paracoxal ridge | metabasalare | X | X | Xd | IIIspm1 |
t2p-t3 | posterior mesonoto-metanotal | mesoscutellum | mesophragmal spine in metanotum | X | X | Xd | IIIdlm3 |
pl3la-t3 | anterolateral metapleuro-metanotal | metapleural apodeme, metafurcal arm | metanotal apodeme | X | X | Xd | IIItpm5 |
pl3lp-t3 | posterolateral metapleuro-metanotal | metapleuron | metanotum | X | X | Xd | IIItpm6 |
pl3v-3ax3 | ventral metapleuro-third axillary sclerite of hind wing | metapleuron, mesepimeral ridge | third axillary sclerite of hind wing | X | X | Xd | IIItpm9 |
pl3d-3ax3 | dorsal metapleuro-third axillary sclerite of hind wing | mesepimeral ridge | third axillary sclerite of hind wing | X | X | X | IIItpm7 |
pl3-sa3 | metapleuro-metasubalar | metapleuron, metapleural apodeme | metasubalare | X | X | Xd | IIItpm11 |
cx3-sa3 | metacoxo-metasubalar | metacoxa (sublateral) | metasubalare | X | X | X | IIIdvm6 |
pc3l-fu3* | lateral metapecto-metafurcal | metapectus | paracoxal ridge | – | – | X | – |
fu3-cx3* | metafurco-metacoxal | metafurcal arm | metacoxa (medial) | – | – | X | IIIscm3? |
pl3m-cx3 | median metapleuro-metacoxal | metapectus, metadiscrimenal lamella | metacoxa (ventrolateral) | X | X | X | IIIscm1 |
fu3l-cx3 | lateral metafurco-metacoxal | paracoxal ridge, metadiscrimenal lamella | metacoxa (lateral) | X | X | Xd | IIIscm2 |
fu3m-cx3 | median metafurco-metacoxal | metafurca, metadiscrimenal lamella | metacoxa (medial) | X | X | Xd | IIIscm2 |
s3-cx3* | metasterno-metacoxal | metadiscrimenal lamella | metacoxa (medial) | – | X | – | IIIscm1? |
pl3l-cx3 | lateral metapleuro-metacoxal | metapleuron, paracoxal ridge | metacoxa (dorsolateral) | X | X | X | IIIpcm4 |
fu3-tr3 | metafurco-metatrochanteral | metafurcal arm | metatrochanteral apodeme (central) | X | X | X | IIIscm6 |
pl3-tr3 | metapleuro-metatrochanteral | metapleuron, metapleural apodeme | metatrochanteral apodeme (central) | X? | X? | Xd? | IIIpcm6 |
Number of metathoracic muscles (max. 17): | 14 | 15 | 16 | ||||
First and second abdominal segment | |||||||
ph2m-ph3 | median mesophragmo-metaphragmal | mesophragma | median process | X | X | – | IIIdlm1 |
ph3-T2 | metaphragmo-second abdominal tergal | propodeum | second abdominal tergite | X | X | X | – |
T1-S2 | propodeo-second abdominal sternal | propodeum | second abdominal sternite (lateral) | X | X | X | – |
fu3-S2 | metafurco-second abdominal sternal | metafurcal arm | second abdominal sternite (ventro-submedial) | X | X | Xd | IIIvlm2 |
s3-S2 | metasterno-second abdominal sternal | metadiscrimenal lamella, metasternum | second abdominal sternite (lateral) | X | X | Xd | – |
Number of first and second abdominal segment muscles (max. 5): | 5 | 5 | 4 | ||||
Total number of muscles (max. 42): | 37 | 40 | 39 |
The large image data sets accomplished for this study are available online as a data publication in conjunction with this paper. Thus, our images and raw data are freely accessible via the
We found 42 muscle pairs within the analysed tagmata of the three species (Table
Ventral mesofurco-profurcal muscle (fu2-fu1v; Fig.
Sceliphron destillatorium, volume rendering, mesosomal musculature, A–C: medial view, anterior to the right, D: lateral view, anterior to the left. A. Muscles discernible from the centre; B. Muscles positioned sublateral; C. Muscles located sublateral and lateral; D. Laterally positioned muscles. Abbreviations: fu2-fu1v – ventral mesofurco-profurcal; pl2-t2a – first mesopleuro-mesonotal; pl2-ba2 – mesopleuro-mesobasalar; sp1occ – anterior thoracic spiracle occlusor; ism1,2-ba2 – intersegmental membrane-mesobasalar; pl2-3ax2a – first mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing; pl2-3ax2b – second mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing; pl2-3ax2c – third mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing; pl2-t2b – second mesopleuro-mesonotal; cx2-sa2 – mesocoxo-mesosubalar; fu2a-ph2 – anterior mesofurco-mesolaterophragmal; pl2a-fu2 – anterior mesopleuro-mesofurcal; pl2-cx2 – mesopleuro-mesocoxal; s2-cx2 – mesosterno-mesocoxal; fu2-cx2 – mesofurco-mesocoxal; fu2l-tr2 – lateral mesofurco-mesotrochanteral; fu2m-tr2 – median mesofurco-mesotrochanteral; ph1-ph2 – prophragmo-mesophragmal; pl3a-ba3 – anterior metapleuro-metabasalar; t2p-t3 – posterior mesonoto-metanotal; pl3la-t3 – anterolateral metapleuro-metanotal; pl3d-3ax3 – dorsal metapleuro-third axillary sclerite of hind wing; pl3-sa3 – metapleuro-metasubalar; cx3-sa3 – metacoxo-metasubalar; pl3m-cx3 – median metapleuro-metacoxal; fu3l-cx3 – lateral metafurco-metacoxal; fu3m-cx3 – median metafurco-metacoxal; pl3l-cx3 – lateral metapleuro-metacoxal; fu3-tr3 – metafurco-metatrochanteral; pl3-tr3 – metapleuro-metatrochanteral; ph2m-ph3 – median mesophragmo-metaphragmal; ph3-T2 – metaphragmo-second abdominal tergal; T1-S2 – propodeo-second abdominal sternal; fu3-S2 – metafurco-second abdominal sternal; s3-S2 – metasterno-second abdominal sternal. Scale bars: 0.8 mm (A–C), 0.9 mm (D).
Anterior metapleuro-metabasalar muscle (pl3a-ba3; Fig.
Median mesophragmo-metaphragmal muscle (ph2m-ph3; Fig.
Posterior thoracic spiracle occlusor muscle (sp3occ; Fig.
Lateral metapecto-metafurcal muscle (pc3l-fu3) and metafurco-metacoxal muscle (fu3-cx3) are absent. Metasterno-metacoxal muscle (s3-cx3; first description; Fig.
The mesosomal musculature of Sphex (Fernaldina) lucae divergent to S. destillatorium; volume rendering, transparent exoskeleton. A. Lateral view, anterior to the left; B. Medial view, anterior to the right; C. Anterior view on the posterior thoracic spiracle occlusor; D. Dorsomedial view, anterior top right. Abbreviations: sp3occ – posterior thoracic spiracle occlusor; sp2 – posterior spiracle; pl2-cx2 – mesopleuro-mesocoxal; pl2-cx2b – second mesopleuro-mesocoxal; fu2l-tr2 – lateral mesofurco-mesotrochanteral; fu2m-tr2 – median mesofurco-mesotrochanteral; s3-cx3 – metasterno-metacoxal; pl3m-cx3 – median metapleuro metacoxal; fu3l-cx3 – lateral metafurco metacoxal; fu3m-cx3 – median metafurco metacoxal; pl3l-cx3 – lateral metapleuro metacoxal; mepr – mesepimeral ridge. Scale bars: 0.7 mm (A), 0.6 mm (B), 0.3 mm (C), 0.5 mm (D).
Second mesopleuro-mesocoxal muscle (pl2-cx2b; Fig.
The mesosomal musculature of Ampulex compressa divergent to Sphecidae; volume rendering, transparent exoskeleton. A–C anterior to the right; D–H anterior to the left. A. Medial view, all relevant muscles visible from the centre; B. Medial view on submedial muscles; C. Medial view, further lateral located muscles; D. All relevant muscles discernible from lateral view; E. Muscles located sublateral, lateral view; F. Muscles located further medial, lateral view; G. All newly identified muscles (plus pl2-cx2), lateral view; H. Dorsolateral view on all newly identified muscles (plus pl2-cx2). Abbreviations: sp1occ – anterior thoracic spiracle occlusor; ism1,2-ba2 – intersegmental membrane-mesobasalar; pl2-t2b – second mesopleuro-mesonotal; sp3occ – posterior thoracic spiracle occlusor; s2-cx2 – mesosterno-mesocoxal; pl2-cx2 – mesopleuro-mesocoxal; pl2-cx2b – second mesopleuro-mesocoxal; fu2-cx2 – mesofurco-mesocoxal; fu2m-tr2 – median mesofurco-mesotrochanteral; pl3a-ba3 – anterior metapleuro-metabasalar; t2p-t3 – posterior mesonoto-metanotal; pl3la-t3 – anterolateral metapleuro-metanotal; pl3lp-t3 – posterolateral metapleuro-metanotal; pl3v-3ax3 – ventral metapleuro-third axillary sclerite of hind wing; pl3-sa3 – metapleuro-metasubalar; pc3l-fu3 – lateral metapecto-metafurcal; fu3-cx3 – metafurco-metacoxal; fu3l-cx3 – lateral metafurco-metacoxal; fu3m-cx3 – median metafurco-metacoxal; pl3l-cx3 – lateral metapleuro-metacoxal; fu3-tr3 – metafurco-metatrochanteral; pl3-tr3 – metapleuro-metatrochanteral; ph3-T2 – metaphragmo-second abdominal tergal; T1-S2 – propodeo-second abdominal sternal; fu3-S2 – metafurco-second abdominal sternal; s3-S2 – metasterno-second abdominal sternal. Scale bars: 0.7 mm (A–C), 0.8 mm (D, E), 0.6 mm (F–H).
Anterior metapleuro-metabasalar muscle (pl3a-ba3; Fig.
Comparison of the paracoxal ridge (pcr) and metapleural apodeme (pl3a). A. Sceliphron destillatorium, anterolateral view, head left; B. Sphex lucae, anterolateral view, head left; C. Weakly developed structures in Ampulex compressa, lateral view, head left; D. Ampulex compressa, paracoxal ridge, lateral metafurcal arms (fu3a) fused with reduced metapleural apodeme, anterior view. Further abbreviations: pl3lp-t3 – posterolateral metapleuro-metanotal muscle, pl3-tr3 – metapleuro-metatrochanteral muscle, fu3-tr3 – metafurcor-metatrochanteral muscle. Scale bars: 0.4 mm (A–C), 0.3 mm (D).
Median mesophragmo-metaphragmal muscle (ph2m-ph3) is absent. The mesophragma in Ampulex is rectangular like the outer cuticle and lacks a posterior notch for the insertion of a muscle. Metaphragmo-second abdominal tergal muscle (ph3-T2; Fig.
The cladistic analyses by
Mesothorax. The mesopleural pit in Sceliphron presumably developed by muscle and spiracle reduction. According to
In all species examined, pl2-cx2 is located as described by the HAO, with origin on the mesopleuron and anterolateral insertion on the mesocoxa (Figs
The muscles fu2l-tr2 and fu2m-tr2 in Ampulex, which insert on the mesotrochanter, seem to have been coalesced completely, making a separation impossible (compare Fig.
In addition, fu2l-tr2 fills the mesopleural area in Sceliphron (Fig.
Metathorax. The different constructions of the metathoracic muscles mainly depend on variations of the skeletal structures. The slight difference in the metapleural origin of pl3a-ba3 in Ampulex (Fig.
The muscle t2p-t3 inserts laterally on a spine, which is located dorsally on the mesophragma in Sphecidae (Fig.
The metanotal muscle pl3la-t3 in Ampulex differs from that in Sphecidae because of the weakly developed metapleural apodeme, which leads to a rather more lateral than submedial position on the thorax (Fig.
Additionally, the weakly developed metapleural apodeme in Ampulex influenced the origin of pl3-sa3, which only originates from the metapleuron and inserts on the metasubalare (Figs
Comparison of pl3-sa3 – metapleuro-metasubalar muscle, dorsolateral view, anterior to the left. A. Sceliphron destillatorium; B. Ampulex compressa. Further abbreviations: mpa – mesopleural apodeme; mtpa – metapleural apodeme; pl3 – metapleuron; sa3 – metasubalare; sp2 – posterior thoracic spiracle. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (A), 0.4 mm (B).
The homology of the metanotal muscle, which we tentatively assign to pl3lp-t3, according to the HAO terminology, cannot be assured. In the HAO, it is described as fan-shaped and posterolaterally originating from the metapleuron. However, size, structure, and position of pl3lp-t3 are different among the species examined (Figs
The muscle s3-cx3 is clearly identifiable in Sphex (Fig.
First and second abdominal segment. The metaphragma is conspicuously absent in Sphecidae among all studied taxa. Nevertheless, ph2m-ph3 (Fig.
Illustration of the metaphragma (ph3) in the propodeum (T1) of Ampulex compressa. A. Medial view, anterior to the right; B. Anteromedial view on ph3-T2 – metaphragmo-second abdominal tergal muscle; C. Anteromedial view on ph3; D. Posterior view on the vertical part of propodeum. Scale bars: 0.6 mm (A), 0.3 mm (B, C), 0.9 mm (D).
We recommend additional investigations of the structures and features presented in this paper. It would be of great value to analyse the tagmata and other characteristics in the family Heterogynaidae and additional species of Crabronidae, Ampulicidae, and Sphecidae. Due to the unresolved phylogenetic position of Heterogynaidae and the paraphyly of Crabronidae, the study of more species from these taxa might be desirable. Structural investigations of more species of Vespoidea and Chrysidoidea would be helpful for clarifying controversial assumptions about phylogenetic relationships within Aculeata. Structures of phylogenetic significance were mainly found in the metathorax, i.e., the metapleural apodeme, paracoxal ridge, metaphragma, and the origin and insertion of associated muscles. Future studies should also focus on: the muscles that insert into the legs, the posterior thoracic spiracle as well as the occlusor muscle in closely related species, and the four muscles described here for the first time in Sphecidae and Ampulicidae.
We gratefully acknowledge the project funding (project OH81/13-1 for MO) by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Technical facilities and continuous support was provided by Science Programme I of the
Table S1
Data type: Excel file
Explanation note: Provision of Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) referring to structures mentioned in the paper. Automatic creation by using the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology "analyzer" (